
How to generate money from Debt.Good debt and Bad debt which are you in.

When we borrowed money , we say that we are in debt simply. And we only thought that Debt is only bad and it cannot be good. But debt  can be good. I am not talking about giving money and you get a good debt. If you want you can say but there is good debt and bad debt but it is up to you how debt money work for you because you-you is the owner of your money and decided where you will put it.  "You can never have true freedom without financial freedom."-Rich dad  Many people are in debt of houses, cars, education, and many others. And the simple way that people are in debt is is by the credit card and education loan. They use their credit card randomly that they can pay in the last month but the amount became large that they can't pay and about an education loan they think that they will graduate with good marks and a high paying job and pay it. But in reality, they never graduate or if they graduate but life does not go according to their plan. If you want to ...

Summary:Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich is written by the famous author Napoleon Hill. It is written many years ago at the time of Edison  but it's principle are useful as they before. "When you begin to think and grow rich,you will observe that riches begin with a state of mind,with definiteness of purpose,with Little or no hardwork." It is the combine knowledge of many great entrepreneurs of old days such as Henry ford                                                      Thomas Edison and 500 great mind of that time.This book show you the way/path of the success that you want .In Order to achieves the success we have to en roll the sub-conscious mind in our self.You have heard that we have 3 mind conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious . Sub-conscious mind is so,powerful than any two of the mind.To achieves great things in the life you have to cont...

How and Why education sytems is programming us to be poor.

I think that toady's education system is worst.Many people love to learn but they don't love what our education system teach or the way they teach which is completely opposite of real world. The education system is like the 9 to 5 job which we have go due to the forced of our family,relatives and the society not that we actually want to go. We learn business by the teacher who never do business ,learning science who only known the theory but have low practically knowledge.Also study the book of author who research make the book look good but never apply the knowledge for himself. But the actually reason why the education system is programming us to   be poor because education system is control by the government which government get it revenue due to the high tax that they get from the poor and middle class people which max people do job and small business for living which is easy to put tax on them but rich people do big business with high return it no problem ...

The truth about Think and Grow Rich.

Think and Grow Rich  is written by the famous author  Napoleon Hill. It is written many years ago at the time of  Edison  but it's principle are useful as they before. "When you begin to think and grow rich,you will observe that riches begin with a state of mind,with definiteness of purpose,with Little or no hardwork." It's is read by many people but applied few people they did not that why this book was written for.I believe that 96% of people who read this book don't understand the word of   Napoleon Hill. It is truth that this book is written to make you rich but many people think that it will make you physical rich like having Lamborghini,Cool House and other things that rich people have .But it is not truth it for to make your mind rich.It is for you to think like rich .This book teach us to solve problems like how rich do. You can say that it's a mindset book or self-improvement book or Motivational book .Like the very small summa...

Book Summary of Rich Dad Cashflow Quadrant

My Rich dad used to say."you can never have true freedom without financial freedom." "Freedom is free ,but it has a price"  Cashflow Quadrant is written by Robert T. Kiyosaki who is the author of the New york times best selling book of Rich Dad Poor Dad . Cashflow Quadrant is all about to set the mindset of rich people to the reader to became rich one day.                                           Where He divided into people work into four Quadrant. That is - Employee               where you have a job -Self Employed               where you own a job - Business              where you own a system that works for you -I nvestor              where money works for you               ...