How to generate money from Debt.Good debt and Bad debt which are you in.
When we borrowed money , we say that we are in debt simply. And we only thought that Debt is only bad and it cannot be good. But debt can be good. I am not talking about giving money and you get a good debt. If you want you can say but there is good debt and bad debt but it is up to you how debt money work for you because you-you is the owner of your money and decided where you will put it. "You can never have true freedom without financial freedom."-Rich dad Many people are in debt of houses, cars, education, and many others. And the simple way that people are in debt is is by the credit card and education loan. They use their credit card randomly that they can pay in the last month but the amount became large that they can't pay and about an education loan they think that they will graduate with good marks and a high paying job and pay it. But in reality, they never graduate or if they graduate but life does not go according to their plan. If you want to ...